Article 11 - Cross Patterning


The term 'cross patterning' can also be known as 'cross crawling' or 'cross lateral patterning'.

No matter if the term is 'cross patterning', 'cross crawling' it means a cross lateral activity which uses the arm on one side of the body and the leg on the other side. It involves using the opposite arm and opposite leg at the same time.

This cross lateral or cross patterning action integrates both sides of the brain for optimum learning and brain communication. It also enhances body awareness.

Cross patterning activities help activate the development of the corpus callosum (the nerve pathway between the left and right hemispheres of the brain). The corpus callosum is a bundle of approximately 250 billion nerve fibres through which both sides of the brain talk to one and other. It assists both sides of the brain to integrate and work together. For a child to experience optimum learning, both sides of the brain need to work together. For more information about the brain see the section titled ALL ABOUT THE BRAIN BODY CONNECTION.

Crawling is the first experience children have with the cross patterning action.

Crawling also plays a vital role in the development of the eyes as it impacts on eye focus and refocus when the child looks down, then up or around, or to the direction, person or object he is crawling to. For effective reading and writing the eyes need to move and focus together and crawling is one of the early experienced developmental stages that can assist this. It also has a huge influence on the development of fine motor skills in the hands and strengthening the upper body as well.

For more information on crawling see the article on this website titled CRAWLING'WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? My book titled MOVING TO LEARN (co-authored by Gill Connell) also contains crawling and other related developmental activities and songs to do with the child at home, care and learning environments.

Running, marching and skipping are other movements that involve the cross patterning action.

The benefits of Cross Patterning

● Enhances brain patterning

● Improves greater body awareness and coordination

●Enhances upper body strength

●Increases spatial awareness

●Enhances balance

●Increases muscle tone

●Enhances trunk mobility (the child can twist freely during movement actions e.g. throwing a ball, dancing)

Improves left/right coordination

●Increases awareness of laterality (or both sides of the body)

●Enhances breathing and stamina

●Increases core strength and control


Activities to enhance cross pattering

Crawl along equipment and through hoops.

March with ribbons or streamers

March to music

Crawl through tunnel

Running games e.g. 'Chasey'