The Elephant Itch

The Elephant Itch

A self-published soft cover children's story, "The Elephant Itch" can be used as a very effective way for children to learn and reinforce fundamental movement skills which include, stamping, jumping and a variety of ways to experience balance.


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Use this story in Movement and Music activities / Early Childhood settings.

I have prepared a document that covers activities and the learning that occurs when using this book as part of a teaching program. Please view this here.

Also check out the music that inspired this book which can be used to enhance the enjoyment your children will get from this book. View the music here.

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The Elephant Itch - MP3s
6 original tracks that compliments the story "The Elephant Itch"

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The Elephant Itch - MP3s
6 original tracks that compliments the story "The Elephant Itch"

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